Rus Hero Factory

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Главная Новости Новости Hero Factory Обзоры наборов ФГ 2011 уже появились в сети.

Обзоры наборов ФГ 2011 уже появились в сети.

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02.12.10 04:33

Список обзоров с Eurobricks:



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Оригинальный текст:

Eurobricks is proud to present exclusive reviews and coverage of the new Hero Factory sets due to be released in 2011! Head over to the Action Figure Forum to find reviews of both villains and heroes, and to join in on the discussion of these exciting new sets. Remember to check back over the next few days for more reviews of other Hero Factory sets, and a summary of our thoughts on the brand new building system that they use!
Find the reviews in the Action Figure Forum now! Special thanks to the Hero Factory team and TLG for making these sets and providing us with the chance to review them
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